Google Fonts

UX Design
Google Fonts


Project Strategy

Lead UX Designer: Irin Kim
Audience: Designers and users accessing the Google Fonts site
Brief: Create an experience for users to fully visualize the uses of each typeface and how specific fonts can be used in UX and real-life scenarios

This was a contract-based experimental project that took place from the end of 2019 throughout the beginning of 2020. The focus of this project was to showcase how specific Google typefaces and their fonts could be used throughout real-life practices on both UX and print platforms. This involved research, knowledge of the technical functions of typography and design systems, and UX wireframing. With the collaboration of user testers, I developed a design system for several notable typefaces such as Lato and Advent Pro, to gather a high reception rate with users looking to download various fonts.



I researched other type foundries and font sites and compared the visuals used to display the featured fonts on their sites. This included looking at what sites were most favoured amongst users, their layouts, and what sorts of visual specimen pages were displayed. This data was significant in creating specimen pages that would flow with the site, how to capture more user attention, and visually emphasising the use of the fonts Google offers.




The specimen pages are an excellent resource for free beautifully crafted fonts, accessible for all users .

*The projects seen are official property of Google ©

Google Fonts

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